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soil erosion process中文是什么意思

用"soil erosion process"造句"soil erosion process"怎么读"soil erosion process" in a sentence


  • 土壤侵蚀过程


  • Soil erosion process research of the loess bare slope
  • Topographic effects on regional soil erosion process
  • Initial research on the regional soil erosion process and the quantitive description
  • Soil erosion models are important technique instruments of knowing soil erosion processes and intensity , mastering soil resource developing trends , directing people to use soil resource reasonably , and managing and maintaining human long - time live environment ; therefore they are paid attention to by the world countries
  • The objectives of this study were : i ) to understand the mechanism of applying polyacrylamide ( pam ) to control crust formation , to increase infiltration and reduce soil erosion ; and ii ) to quantify the dynamics of soil erosion processes with rare earth elements ( ree ) tracers
    本文的目的是研究利用聚丙烯酰胺( pam )作为土壤改良剂来抑制土壤表面结皮,增加降水入渗,减少土壤表面径流,降低土壤侵蚀;同时采用稀土元素( ree )示踪土壤侵蚀的动态过程,研究土壤侵蚀的动力学机理。
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